Ayurvedic Medecine

Publié le par flo.


Definition: Ayurvéda means "knowledge of the life". It is a very old Indian traditional medicine which seeks to reach a perfect balance of health, by the control of the thought on the body, in three fields: the movement (vata), the metabolism (Pitta), the structure (Kapha).

History : born 7000 years ago in India. Discipline regarded as the oldest system of traditional medicine.

Detailed explanation : Ayurvédique medicine is an Indian traditional medicine, but also philosophy and art of living, this medicine aspires at the same time to the good being and wisdom. According to Ayurvédique medicine, the individual is composed of the same components as the universe and the operation of its organization depends on three fundamental units: three "dosha": Vata (wind), Pitta (fire), Kapha (the lymph).

Its regulations can comprise remedies for the same title that codes of conduct. According to, Medicine Ayurvédique, the Man is a living organism which includes stars and planets, the macrocosm of the universe finds its correspondence in the "internal cosmos" of the man. Ayurvédique Medicine is a total medicine, it is focused on the subjective condition of the patient and the relationship existing between the bodies and the system of the vessels.

The Cause of the disease and the evil being according to Ayurvédique Medicine is due to an imbalance (lack or excess) of one of the three fundamental types of biological moods, called the dosha, which govern each individual constitution. According to the prevalence and the combination of moods, one falls sick or one is in full form.

Characteristics of the three dosha : The type Vata (wind): made things in the urgency, learns very quickly and forgets quickly, instable in its body and its spirit. Its radiant energy flux passes alternatively by tops and bottoms. It suffers from cutaneous dryness, of muscular and articular pains, tremors and constipation.

To balance Vata : the heat and the oil which neutralize dryness and the cold. The salted food and remedies stimulate the appetite and digestion, is antipasmodic and laxative. After salted, the acid and the soft one come. The meetings of massages are adapted to release the patient of any form of anxiety and stress.

The type Pitta (fire) is somebody of precis, effective, perfectionist. Shining in company, it is very critical and meticulous person. Predisposed axu dermatoses, with the haemorrhages, the early canitie and baldness

To balance Pitta : One carries out a purification by a purging and a bleeding which eliminates excess from heat. The bitter food and remedies are adapted to digestion and circulation, followed by the soft one and the acid.

The cold showers and of the moon baths, the wearing of collars cold, white clothing and a rest in a green, calm place and "cools" the spirit, as well as a releasing music and the meditation. Activities of work and leisures are recommended for this type of patient.

The Type Kapha (Lymph) slow, methodical, is slackened. It likes to benefit from the life, it sleeps much and has tendency to plumpness. Suffer from heavinesses, with a difficult digestion, disorders due to the cold, but is equipped with a more solid constitution than the others.

To rebalance Kapha which is characterized by uen physiological inertia, to stimulate it, one uses food and remedies prickles, heats and dry. The form of purification is the vomiting therapeutic, called emesi, or of the purgings

An intense physical activity, very hot baths and stimulative occupations are précosés to rebalance this type of mood.

Publié dans Health Harmony

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